Sunday, June 28, 2009

Governor Brownback

Looks like a done deal unless Parkinson changes his mind and runs after all, which I'm betting he'll do. Here's hoping. Brownback's sanctimoniousness would be even more tiresome in the governor's office.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Choke time!

It's been a long long time since The Crowsons played the Artichoke. This Saturday we'll return with a bunch of brand new songs and a bunch of brand ole songs as well. Karen and I have been playing there since around 1989 or so. In fact, way before that, she was the first person to ever perform live music at The Artichoke.

It's a great bar that somehow has always managed to straddle the line between small-and-intimate and fun-and-party-down. Pat and Molly Audley have a lot to do with that. The place reflects their personalities. The sandwiches are always mighty tasty. We'll do our best to make the music that way too, but I'm making no promises. Come see us if you can from 8 until 11 or so. 

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

This one was really fun to draw. Sort of channelled my original cartoonist inspriation, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, inventor of Rat Fink. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

That time of the month

It's been 10 years now that Karen and I have been playing at Watermark once a month. My, oh,my,how the time does fly. We love our Watermark gig and the many friends we've made there. Thanks to all of you who have made that atmosphere so homey and comfortable. Here's to 10 more years!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dots the way it goes sometimes

Especially now that I'm only drawing once a week for the paper, I'm attracted to the idea of combining two issues on occassion. It' a little iffy sometimes to do this. Readers might think I'm trying to connect dots that aren't there and look for underlying meanings where they're not really intended. 

But when I read of Sedgwick County Commissioner Kelly Parks' making a hubbub about getting rid of the pause in the Pledge of Allegiance before the phrase "under God," and at the same time Mayor Carl Brewer inserted a pause in our discussion about the Vietnam Memorial, I guess I couldn't help connecting a fictional dot or two.

Okay. Not the most profound toon I ever drew. Just a little joshing around.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The loss of a courageous man


Just caught the movie, in great 3-d, yesterday. Pixar has the touch. More than any of their other efforts to date, I think this one is almost for grown-ups. I'd call it a grown-up film with enough visual interest and gags to entertain children as well. The older I get, the sappier I get and I found myself trying to discreetly brush a tear or two away from beneath my 3-d glasses, underwhich were my real glasses, underwhich were my misty eyes. 

Playing catch up

Here are some of the cartoons I've done for The Eagle since they hired me back as a Sunday-only tooner. 

A cartoon

Then suddenly it dawned on me: I'm a cartoonist with a blog. I should put my cartoons on that blog. Not rocket science. Not even firecracker science. So, duh, I shall.

This is the last toon I produced for Wichita Magazine back in April. I managed to close them down after only 4 months of their hiring me. At the time I drew this I had no idea all of us at the magazine would be getting our pink slips after that issue. Not saying I'm a prophet or anything. Maybe just a minor sage...

As the pink slippage continues.