Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Be careful out there


Chris said...

Richard, glad to have found your blog! Welcome to the group of elitists I like to call Life After the Eagle (LATE). I actually have to attribute LATE to my former technology co-worker Melanie C. who will be joining us soon. I'm loving the cartoons you've posted here so far. Awesome! As of today I've had a job offer. I need to sleep on it and will make a decision tomorrow, but my gut tells me to take it.

bluebird said...

Sorry that you aren't more visable. Someone needs to deflate the egos of the powers that be. Unfortunately the garbage won't end with the election, it will just be a little less anoying. Some one will either be crowing or complaining about the outcome.

Ron Sylvester said...

Welcome to the potential of your biggest audience yet. I've been recovering from knee surgery, and all I can do is watch election coverage. This toon says it all. Glad to see you in the blogosphere. Saw you're posting feeds on Facebook. Should do the same with a Twitter account. Use Twitterfeed.com to do it automatically. Great job.

Amy Delamaide said...

Hi, Richard. I agree with Ron, would be great to see you on twitter. I noticed a little editorial cartoon in the most recent Naked City. They might appreciate a toon of your quality, kind of like you do for the WSU Sunflower. Glad you're still drawing, anyway.

Amy, the one who sent you a stern email about your waterboarding cartoon and has been regretting that I never emailed you all the times your toons made me laugh my head off, and who regrets the lack of a local cartoon in the Eagle.

Anonymous said...

And remember, when you see one, there's always another close behind....